Kosrae Cultural Use Analysis

Heatmap Viewer

Click the tabs to view different use types

Number of Shapes

Number of shapes drawn in each use type

Area of Shapes

Total Area

Area of all shapes within use type regardless of overlap

Geographic Area

Geographic coverage of shapes drawn - i.e. overlapping areas only counted once

Mean Area

Mean area of shapes within use type

Percent Overlap

Geographic area divided by total area - i.e. percentage of total shape area that is overlapping

The lower the value, the more the individual shapes vary geographically - and vice versa

Area Bins

Percent of shapes in each use type that fall within the given area bins

Value by Use Type

Percent Total Value

Percent of value each use type contributes to the total value of the Cultural Use heatmap

Median Value Per Shape

Median value of shapes within each use type - median was used instead of mean to reduce skewing from outliers