SNAPP - Data-Limited Fisheries
Cost Database
Glossary and Definitions
Project summary
Overfishing threatens the health of many of the world’s fish stocks — and the millions who rely on fish for their livelihood and animal protein. But we lack regular assessment data for more than 90% of Earth’s fisheries…and reliably assessed fisheries tend to be better managed and thus less overfished. Can new, inexpensive approaches to assess such data-limited fisheries be implemented across the globe?
The COST Database
The COST database is part of Decision Support System for data limited fisheries management. This database maps out the costs of each component of management including:
Costs of monitoring/data collection
Costs of assessment/analysis
Costs of implementing management actions and enforcement
This website provides a webinterface to interact with this database and estimate the cost of these different components based on user-defined parameters describing a fishery
Click on any of the menu to get started
SNAPP Webpage
Please enter data for all boxes. If unsure, please enter your best estimation.
Fishery Area (km2):
Fleet Size:
Number of Ports:
Daily Boat Cost (fuel):
Daily Wage - Low (USD):
Daily Wage - Medium (USD):
Daily Wage - High (USD):
Gross Value of Production (GVP) of the Fishery:
Save data to .csv
For a summary cost of multiple monitoring activities, please check the monitory activities you wish to evaluate.
Market Survey
Port Monitoring BottomUp
Port Monitoring NGO
Port Monitoring TopDown
Processor Monitoring
Fishery Dep Snapshot BottomUp
Fishery Dep Snapshot NGO
Fishery Dep Snapshot TopDown
Snapshot Data Biology BottomUp
Snapshot Data Biology NGO
Snapshot Data Biology TopDown
Indep Survey Fishers Irreg BottomUp
Indep Survey Fishers Reg NGO
Indep Survey Ind Practitioners Irreg TopDown
Indep Survey Ind Practitioners Reg TopDown
Auto Info Gathering BottomUp
Auto Info Gathering NGO
Auto Info Gathering TopDown
Logboks Informal
Logboks Formal
Catch Diposal Records
Please click the arrows to the right of the column names to sort in ascending order
Please enter data for all boxes. If unsure, please enter your best estimation.
Manual Data Entry (Days in First Year):
Quality Checking of Data (Days in First Year):
Data Formatting/organising (Days in First Year):
Manual Data Entry (Days in Subsequent Years):
Quality Checking of Data (Days in Subsequent Years):
Data Formatting/organising (Days in Subsequent Years):
Gross Value of Production (GVP) of the Fishery:
Save data to .csv
For a summary cost of multiple assessment methods, please check the monitory activities you wish to evaluate.
None -> direct to management (control rules)
Changes in mean length/weight/size percentiles
Size relative to size-at-maturity
Ratio of density inside to outside MPAs
Changes in gear type or manner of deployment
Changes in dominant species
Changes in species composition ratios
Catch, CPUE by size indicators
Linear regression on CPUE time series
Sustainability indicators (Cope and Punt, Froese)
Changes in spatial distribution of catch or effort
Expert judgement
Exploratory analysis (e.g. corral data)
Use biomass surveys to inform spatial management (e.g. areas suitable to open/close under rotational spatial management)
Standardised CPUE as proxy abundance index
Size-based sequential trigger system
Catch or effort based sequential trigger systems
Sequential trigger framework involving Catch/Effort, CPUE, size, sex ratio, etc
Traffic lights
Hierarchical decision trees - may or may not have reference points
Size-specific catch rate indicators for fish sampled inside and outside of MPAs, and per-recruit
estimating fishing mortality, F (catch curves)
estimating lifetime egg production
Zhou catch-only approach
Depletion-based SRA
Length-based SPR
Production model
Modal analysis to estimate growth rates
Depletion analysis (CPUE versus cumulative catch)
Productivity-susceptibility analysis (PSA) to estimate the risk of overfishing
Comprehensive assessment of risk to ecosystems (CARE)
Ecosystem threshold analysis
Ecological risk analysis (ERA)
Please click the arrows to the right of the column names to sort in ascending order
Please enter data for all boxes. If unsure, please enter your best estimation.
Number of Ports:
Fleet Size:
Daily Boat Cost (fuel):
Fishery Area (km2):
Length of Coastline (km):
Daily Plane Cost (fuel):
Save data to .csv
Please click the arrows to the right of the column names to sort in ascending order