OUS Heatmap Generator

How to Use

  1. Upload your OUS shapes
  2. Fill in your desired parameters
  3. Hit 'Generate' button once it appears
  4. Hit 'Download' button once it appears



For most OUS heatmaps these parameters won't need to be changed.
  • Method: How shape value should be calculated. SAP is the heatmap standard.
    • SAP (Spatial Access Priority): value = (importance * people represented) / area
    • Area: value = 1 / area
    • Count: value = 1
  • Bounds: The spatial extent to use for the output raster, in the CRS of the uploaded files. Input should be four numbers separated by commas in the order: West, South, East, North. If the bounds input is left blank (the default), they are automatically assigned based on the the bounds of the input shapes.
  • Area Factor: shape area is divided by this value - helps prevent small values from very large shapes rounding to 0
  • All Touched Small: If true, the value of 'small' shapes is burned into all raster cells that are overlapped to any extent. If false, small shape values are only burned into cells with which the centroid is overlapped. This is typically set to true so that very small or narrow/long shapes that miss centroids aren't discounted. Small shapes are defined as those that have a smaller shape index than a raster cell (shape index = area / perimeter)
  • All Touched Small Factor: Use to increase the shape index threshold for identifying small shapes. Shape index threshold is calculated as (shape index of a raster cell * allTouchedSmallFactor). Defaults to 1.25. Increasing the factor will identify increasingly larger shapes as 'small' and to be run with 'All Touched Small' as true.